Gifts Catholic

  • Catholic Gift Shop, Why You Should Be A Patron



    What makes a Catholic Gift Shop worthy of your time?  Whether you visit your local Catholic Gift Shop, or browse online at a Catholic Shop, it is important to consider making your purchases here.  As a Catholic, you might find educational, personal or gift items at a secular or even Christian store. However, if the item is of a religious nature, can you guarantee that these stores offer items free from error, or that is rich in history, and tradition? A catholic book, for instance, is always reviewed by two Bishops. If it is free of heresy, even if they personally don’t care for the book, they will give their imprimatur, which can be found on the publishing/copyright page. This means that they think that it is in good standing with the Church and doesn’t contain misleading information. Because the Church is careful about what is dogmatically declared in her name, she will safeguard it. So by purchasing your literature at a Catholic Gift Shop, you can be secure in your purchase. Also, why miss out on other items that may have been made in prayer?  Most Catholic items are crafted by religious: monks, nuns, and oblates to different Catholic Christmas. more...

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