
  • What are Rosary Novenas?


    Before we can know what a rosary novena is, we need to know what a novena is. Novena, or “novem” is Latin for the word, “nine”. Therefore, a novena is a prayer said nine consecutive times in one day, or once for nine consecutive days.

    Rosary Novena Rosary

    Novenas are usually employed to “storm heaven” with a special request. God doesn’t need to hear our request nine times, but the act itself, is for our benefit. It disciplines us in our prayer and shows God our faithfulness.

    Now, a rosary novena is when one says the rosary everyday for nine days. This is an ordinary novena. However, often the Rosary Novena most Catholics refer to, is the one that is said for 54 consecutive days. This is because it is actually six novenas back to back and it is divided into two sets of 27 days: one of petition, and the other of thanksgiving. more...

  • What is Prayer?


    Prayer St Domenic Rosary Mart.comPrayer is a formal word for a simple action: “conversation with God”. If you wake up in the morning and say, “Hi God,” your greeting is a prayer. Prayer is simply an acknowledgement of God’s existence and His presence in our lives.

    “For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy!” – St. Therese of Lisieux, Manuscrits and autobiographiques


    We converse with those around us —either strengthening or weakening our relationships (depending on how we communicate)— and the same is true with God; it is just as easy to interact with Him.

    Since God is perfect, and never erring, He never pushes us away, nor does He ever ignore us, etc.,. Ever patient, He always listens and always answers. He answers in three ways: “yes”; “in time”; or “I have something better for you”. more...

  • An Examination of the Prayer, Hail Holy Queen


    The prayer, Hail Holy Queen, is most known for being one of the ending prayers for the Rosary. It is said after the last decade. It is also one of the four antiphons of Mary.

    Salve Regina Holy Queen Rosary

    Traditionally it is divided into three responses. In the first and third part, all participants pray in unison; and then the second part, only the leader responds.

    There are different accounts of the origins of the Hail, Holy Queen. However, the general consensus among Catholic sources is that this prayer was composed between the 11-12th centuries. Nevertheless, the titles and honor given to Mary were not new then. Rather, they were beloved traditions that were put together beautifully as a hymn of praise and intercession. Let’s look at the prayer’s scriptural origins: more...

  • Saints Devoted to The Rosary


    saints rosary mart.comWhile St. Dominic is known for spreading the devotion of the Rosary throughout the world (as we know it in its present form), it would erroneous to solely give him the title of the “Rosary Saint.” So many Saints have illustrated by their words and actions the beauty and depth of the Rosary. In their own generation and environments, they encouraged the fervor for the “Divine Garland of Roses”. In fact, it is because of the countless witnesses of the communion of Saints, that we can have confidence that the Rosary is a powerful tool of healing, conversion, and for discerning God’s Will. There is no greater testimony than how they lived; we can trust their words and we should follow their example. Below is but a sample of thoughts from a selection of the Saints: more...

  • What is The Rosary?


    Most people recognize a rosary when they see one. It is a popular Catholic symbol, but many may not be aware of what a rosary really is for, and why it is important to Catholics.

    The word, rosary, comes from the Latin, rosarium, which means crown of roses. It is a bouquet that Catholics give to Mary as they participate in her life with a focus on her Son, Jesus Christ. The Rosary is a prayer, more specifically, a meditation, where Catholics get to know the Son by loving the Mother.


    rosary and roses

    “The Rosary is essentially a contemplative prayer, which requires "tranquillity of rhythm or even a mental lingering which encourages the faithful to meditate on the mysteries of the Lord's life”.” more...

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